Category Archives: Pic of the Day

Pic of the Day – Neon Nudibranch

Well, here I am again, after a very long hiatus from blogging. Last week I posted a link to a piece I wrote about a trip to the Philippines, which was just published in Scuba Diving Magazine. I had to … Continue reading

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Throw Back Thursday – Hitting the G Spot

Thursdays seem to have become the day for dredging up images from the past. This past week I had a query from my cousin in New Zealand about the Galapagos, which he hopes to visit (and dive) next summer. In … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Topside Tuesday

Okay, I’ll admit it, like many folks, I am a total sucker for sunsets. This one was captured in Grand Cayman, a couple of years ago. Today I was surfing through an archive of images from this trip that I … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Squat Anemone Shrimp

Hey, it’s Macro Monday ;^) Despite the gorgeous weather outside (truly, this has been the most spectacular July in recent memory here in Vancouver), I am on deadline for my August photo essay submission for Sport Diver Magazine. So, here … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Ribbon Eel

Here’s Friday’s funny fish face – a ribbon eel. The above image was captured in Ambon Harbour, Indonesia. These little eels are a tropical Pacific photographer’s favourite – but, unlike most eels, they are not so easy to photograph. Although … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Tiny Bubbles

For wide angle Wednesday, here’s an image of Mr G amidst percolating gas bubbles, taken at Sangeyang Island, in Northern Komodo, Indonesia. Sangeyang is an active, simmering volcano. The island was evacuated several years ago, although a few brave souls … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Topside Tuesday: Thai Sunset

Just a quick pic for today, as a sunny day beckons me out into my somewhat neglected summer garden. This was a beautiful sunset in the Similan Islands of Thailand, taken during a great trip on The Junk live aboard. The … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Magnificent Ceratosoma Nudibranch & Ladybug Amphipods

Today’s pic is a Magnificent Ceratosoma nudibranch, photographed in South Komodo – near the epic Horseshoe Bay at Rinca island. It was about 2.5 inches in length. There was quite a bit of excitement when this nudi was first spotted … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Pajama Cardinalfish

Friday’s funny fish face is the Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera). I photographed this little cutie on a shore dive in Fiji earlier this year. It is kind of an amusing tale – the visibility was pretty poor (downright spunky in … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Red Irish Lord

Friday’s Funny Fish Face is a Red Irish Lord (Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus), a cold water fish that I photographed in Discovery Passage in British Columbia. This brightly coloured fish, which can camouflage itself to blend into its environment, is a member … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Topside Tuesday: Blue Whale

  Here is today’s thinking: why not dedicate Tuesday to be a “topside” image feature on the blog? I do occasionally share images that are not diving related, but for some reason I seem to gravitate more to stuff from … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Wide Angle Wednesday

I’ve been featuring a lot of smaller subjects and fish faces for Pic of the Day, so thought I’d share something more in the ‘big picture’ category for today. This image was captured on a deep wall (image taken at … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Reeftop Pipefish

Just a quickie for a Friday Funny Fish Face. I am currently writing and assembling pix for a July Sport Diver Magazine feature. It’s gonna be all about groovy little stuff, found in unpretty places. Yup, that would be muck … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Jellyfish

I will admit that I have a fascination for jellyfish. I think it has something to do with their movement – I find the pulsation with which they propel themselves through the water to be very poetic. Unfortunately, my Tropical … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – The Sexy Sea Apple

Today’s pic is an unusual subject – a Sea Apple, inspired by a crazy post that was circulating on Facebook this morning. To see some truly freaky stuff, follow this link. If you are already fearful of what lurks beneath, … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Guineafowl Pufferfish

It’s Friday, so here’s another funny fish face. This is a Guineafowl Puffer (Arothron meleagris), shot (with the camera) at Cocos Island, in Costa Rica. I captured this image on the infamous Manuelita shark rodeo night dive – you know, … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Crab Porn

I haven’t been crabby for a while. So why today, you may ask? Well, it’s certainly nothing major, nor porn-related for that matter ;^) Instead, I have come to realize that due to my inferior image archiving practices, I have … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Male Sheephead

A funny fish face quickie for a Friday. I am currently beavering away on another photo feature for Sport Diver – this one will be all about diving in California. It has been keeping me busy, rifling through archived files, … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Spotted Shrimpgoby

Here is a funny Friday fish face. This little cutie is a Spotted Shrimpgoby (Amblyeteotris ogasawarensis), from the Raja Ampat area of Indonesia. Seriously, this fish looks like it belongs in a Dr. Seuss book, dontcha think? There are many … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Turtles, Turtles, Yeah Yeah Yeah

In honour of World Turtle Day – May 23rd – I am featuring turtle(s) for Pic of the Day. Turtles are very cool creatures – air breathers, and egg layers (on land – much to the peril of the turtles, … Continue reading

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