Category Archives: Travel

Big Ball of Bigeye Trevally

Nothing warms my heart more underwater than seeing an aggregation of fish while diving on a healthy reef. We saw swarms of schooling Trevally (Jacks) on several dives in Tubbataha. Like starling birds, they swirl and undulate and create momentary … Continue reading

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The Scariest Fish in the Sea

Let me introduce you to the scariest (to me) fish in the sea. This is a kind of fish that I have nicknamed Bucky (or Buckette – the sex of this fish is not easy to discern by its colouration) … Continue reading

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Into the Deep…

How deep was that anyway? The other evening we were sharing some of the highlights of our really memorable recent trip to the Tubbataha reefs in the Philippines with some non-diving buds, over beers at the local pub. The first … Continue reading

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Raja Ampat, The Last Diving Paradise?

We recently returned from a truly wonderful dive trip to Indonesia. After the stress-inducing O-ring debacle of the diving portion of our first adventure post-Covid, in Egypt‘s Red Sea, this was relaxing, exhilarating, and breathtakingly beautiful diving. (Note: You’ll need … Continue reading

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Yalla Yalla Habibi!

I’ll admit that I was never super interested in ancient history; I think my last whack at it was in the early years of high school. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks? They were bygones to me – more mythology than history in … Continue reading

Posted in All About Scuba Diving, Egypt, Image Galleries, Photography, Travel, Trip Reports, Writings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

New Zealand – You Beach!

It’s been a bit of a whirl of travel over the past few months. In addition to some regularly scheduled dive and Berlin biz trips this year, a couple of other opportunities have arisen – one – in absence of any … Continue reading

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A Passage in India (& Nepal) – Part 7 – Wrapping the Trip in Khatmandu

To go back to the beginning of this 7 chapter travelogue, follow this link: Chapter 1 – Just Say No to Delhi Belly After the hell, fire and brimstone of an evening in Varanasi (and then the redeeming beautiful morning after), … Continue reading

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A Passage in India (& Nepal) – Part 6 – Learning and Burning in Varanasi

When I last left you, we had a big day in Khajuraho, touring some super sexy temples, and experiencing some amazing Ayurvedic massage therapy. The next morning, we were up at dark o’thirty, for an (optional) jeep safari tour in … Continue reading

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A Passage in India (& Nepal) – Part 5 – Sexy Temples & Buck Naked Rubs in the Indian Outback

As I mentioned in the first chapter of this saga, I have heard it opined that if you haven’t sh*t your pants, you haven’t really experienced India. The same may be true about taking a train in India, which although less … Continue reading

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A Passage in India (& Nepal) – Part 4 – Agra

On the road again, this time for the long drive from Jaipur to Agra – the site of the splendiferous Taj Mahal. This is the fourth chapter in this series. You will find the previous instalments here: Chapter 1 – … Continue reading

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A Passage in India (& Nepal) – Part 3 – Worlds Colliding in Jaipur

So, we’ve left Delhi, and are now on the big bus for the long drive to Jaipur – the pink city. If you missed the previous India blogs, they are here: Part 1 – Just Say No to Delhi Belly … Continue reading

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A Passage in India (and Nepal) – Part 2 – Walking in Gandhi’s Footsteps

So, when I last left you dangling, we were all tucked into our beds in our very nice rooms at Le Meridien in central Delhi, sleeping off (with the help of some pharmaceuticals) the long and not very restful flight in … Continue reading

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A Passage in India (and Nepal) – Part 1 – Just Say No to Delhi Belly

So, a group of girls decide to take a trip to India. The group is three sisters and a friend, and the plan is to experience India as part of an organized tour, because, as anyone who has been to … Continue reading

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Scuba Diving Magazine Feature – Hawaii 2-0

Here is a link to December’s gallery and short write up about diving off the west coast of the big island of Hawaii. You will find the article and image gallery here —-> Hawaii 2.0 – Images from the Big Island … Continue reading

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Wild & Woolly – An Irish Adventure

With the prospect of only 3 days to get our first taste of Ireland, we arrived in Dublin, picked up a rental car, plugged our Galway area hotel address into the handy dandy (do not attempt to drive in Ireland … Continue reading

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Palau BFF

Back from Germany, and back at my laptop. I traveled to Germany with just an iPad (and iPhone for camera – data roaming is stupid expensive, so I kept it in airplane mode for the duration). The iPhone camera pretty … Continue reading

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All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt

So here I find myself in Germany once again. Mr G has business here, and a couple of times a year, for board meeting weeks when other wives/spouses are included, I make the trek with him. In past blogs I … Continue reading

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Post Palau Ponderings

 I returned last week from a 10 day trip to Palau. It was Mr G’s and my first visit to this diver mecca. We enjoyed three days on land at the beginning of the trip, diving two of those days … Continue reading

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Scuba Diving Magazine – A Taste of the Philippines

Here is a link to February’s submission for Scuba Diving Magazine. In this piece I review the Atlantis Dumaguete Resort, as well as the Atlantis Azores live aboard, and share some information and images from what was a great trip. … Continue reading

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Photo Essay – A London River Walk

It’s been a while since I cooked up a juicy blog post, but with a small gallery of iPhone images sitting in the hopper on my desktop, a complete dearth of diving over the past many months, and a rainy … Continue reading

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