Category Archives: Travel

Throw Back Thursday – Hitting the G Spot

Thursdays seem to have become the day for dredging up images from the past. This past week I had a query from my cousin in New Zealand about the Galapagos, which he hopes to visit (and dive) next summer. In … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Topside Tuesday: Thai Sunset

Just a quick pic for today, as a sunny day beckons me out into my somewhat neglected summer garden. This was a beautiful sunset in the Similan Islands of Thailand, taken during a great trip on The Junk live aboard. The … Continue reading

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The Tipping Point

Food for thought, in a well-argued article on Slate Magazine this week… Tipping is an Abomination Despite the rather dramatic headline, this article offers an interesting perspective on the whole concept of tipping for service in restaurants in the US. … Continue reading

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The Komodo Chronicles – Part 10 – There Be Dragons

Some of you may be wondering if this blog series about our awesome group trip to Komodo last fall is ever going to end. The short answer is: you betcha. There are three or, at the most, four more chapters … Continue reading

Posted in All About Scuba Diving, Indonesia Travel, Photography, Travel, Trip Reports | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

War & Remembrance

So here I am, once again leaving Berlin, after Mr G conducts some business here. I have been fortunate to be able to visit this beautiful city, albeit with a very dark history, several times over the past eight years … Continue reading

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The Komodo Chronicles – Part 9 – Current City, Man

It’s been a while since I added a chapter to the Komodo Chronicles. Sorry about that. My last entry was about the final few dives we did in the Gili islands, in Northern Komodo. At this point in our trip … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Mr G Goes to School

Today’s image was captured at Paseo del Cedral (Cedar Pass) in beautiful Cozumel. There are many lovely sites on Cozumel, but Cedral continues to be one of my favourites, even though I have done many, many dives on it. To … Continue reading

Posted in All About Scuba Diving, Mexico Travel, Photography, Pic of the Day, Travel | Tagged | Leave a comment

Fiji 2013 – Love, Actually

So when I sat down to write this blog post about Fiji, what emerged was a love story. I mean, I seriously love this country, and like all true love, my adoration only deepens with time. I was planning on … Continue reading

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More radio silence from me as I snuck away for a week of diving with two of our daughters in Fiji. It was a last minute quickie, and fortunately I was able to bag decent airfares from Air Pacific (which … Continue reading

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The Komodo Chronicles – Part 4 – Things That Go Bump In The Night

Christmas and New Year’s have come and gone in a flurry (well, actually here in Vancouver, not so much a flurry as a soggy deluge – it was the wettest December I can remember). It was a busy time, with … Continue reading

Posted in Indonesia Travel, Photography, Travel | 2 Comments

Bali Photo Blog – Chapter 2 – She Shoots, She Scores?

As I continue with my Indonesian show and tell, I write the subject line of this particular blog post with some irony. Shooting images under water is challenging – so many variables come in to play – choosing appropriate camera … Continue reading

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Bali Photo Blog – Chapter 1 – I Spy, With My Little Eye…

Finally, some pictures from the recent trip to Indonesia (Bali & Komodo) to share. First of all, let me confess that I took quite a lot of images on this adventure, and it is going to take me some serious … Continue reading

Posted in All About Scuba Diving, Image Galleries, Indonesia Travel, Travel | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

I be back…

There has been radio silence on this blog as I have been away, diving in Indonesia, specifically all around Komodo National Park, with a few days on the front end diving in the Tulamben area on the northeast coast of … Continue reading

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My Favourite Place to Dive? – Part 5

After the last write up on this topic – My Favourite Place To Dive? – Part 4 Galapagos – I took a big breather, because I suspected that this final instalment in the series regarding my favourite places to dive … Continue reading

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My Favourite Place To Dive? – Part 4

So far, I have revealed British Columbia, Cocos Island (Costa Rica), and Fiji as my picks for my favourite places to dive. That brings me to my next (alphabetically sorted) instalment, which begins with a G – G for gorgeous, gnarly, gotta-get-there … Continue reading

Posted in All About Scuba Diving, Galapagos Travel, Travel, Trip Reports | Tagged | 9 Comments

My Favourite Place To Dive? – Part 3

Whew! – finally the pix are processed, and so here we go with the next of my (alphabetically sorted) favourite places to dive – Fiji. The previous inclusions are:  British Columbia and Cocos Island, Costa Rica. What makes Fiji so special? Well, … Continue reading

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My Favourite Place to Dive? – Part 2

So here I am, in the process of sharing my favourite dive destinations. This post is the second in the series.  The first selection is here. Before I blurt out my next (non-prioritized) favourite, perhaps I should reveal where I … Continue reading

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My Favourite Place To Dive? – Part 1

I often get asked – where is my favourite place to dive? It is like asking me which is my favourite kid (I have three). I love them all very much, for their unique qualities. And I seriously love several … Continue reading

Posted in All About Scuba Diving, British Columbia Travel, Travel, Trip Reports | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

RIP Lonesome George

I met George on several occasions on my trips to the Galapagos. Originally from Pinta Island in the archipelago, he was the last of his sub-species. He was relocated to the Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz island, where he … Continue reading

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Pic of the Day – Ball of Jacks

Another stroll down memory lane – this time to Cocos Island, Costa Rica (2006). Like the Galapagos Islands, Cocos Island is a mecca for shark-loving divers. You’ve gotta be a keener – the 36 hour crossing, on open ocean, is … Continue reading

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