Tag Archives: scuba diving

Big Ball of Bigeye Trevally

Nothing warms my heart more underwater than seeing an aggregation of fish while diving on a healthy reef. We saw swarms of schooling Trevally (Jacks) on several dives in Tubbataha. Like starling birds, they swirl and undulate and create momentary … Continue reading

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Scuba Diving Magazine Feature: Cozumel Critters

Here’s a link to my April contribution to Scuba Diving Magazine – a gallery of some of the stuff that can commonly be spotted on the beautiful reefs of Cozumel island, on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Cozumel Critters

Posted in All About Scuba Diving, Mexico Travel, Scubadiving Magazine Photo Essays | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Bali Photo Blog – Chapter 2 – She Shoots, She Scores?

As I continue with my Indonesian show and tell, I write the subject line of this particular blog post with some irony. Shooting images under water is challenging – so many variables come in to play – choosing appropriate camera … Continue reading

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A Quickie to Cozumel

So here is a juicy post to launch this blog. A recent “Quickie to Coz” trip (which was my tenth to Cozumel), inspired me to write up some info that will hopefully be helpful to first timers and Cozuholics alike. … Continue reading

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